Worship Services

You are welcome to attend Prairie’s worship services in-person on Sundays at 10:00am at 590 University Cres. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

You can also participate at home by visiting Prairie’s YouTube Channel. The regular worship service is live-streamed and then is available to be viewed later as well. You can also access the sermons as stand alone videos a few hours after the live service.

Location: 590 University Cres. Winnipeg, Manitoba


What is Sunday worship like?
Our worship is vibrant, rooted, participatory and community strengthening. We strive for excellence in what we do, working to find creative means of worshiping an ever creative God. We are rooted by connecting to God through the practice of certain broad practices of the Church, such as hearing the Bible read out loud, confessing, praying together, singing and making music, and sharing communion together.  We place a high value on all people of varying ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, being able to participate fully as one community.

Is it “contemporary” or “traditional”?
In some ways that’s hard to answer. We sing praise songs, and classic and modern hymns. We have a band, but sometimes sing with just piano, or just guitar, or with no instruments at all. The prayers are often for the real concerns of people we know, but sometimes they will be from ancient or not so ancient liturgies. Preaching is central, but it is not “preachy.” Confession is important, but never used to make you feel guilty, only ever to remind you of your freedom in forgiveness. Is the worship “contemporary” or “traditional”? Both.

Children are encouraged to be part of worship. Currently, we do not have a specific children’s ministry or Sunday School, but will be looking at this as we come out of the pandemic. Children are welcome and encouraged to be part of the main worship service, but parents are free to take their kids out of the sanctuary to play if the need arises.

What should I wear?
Dress is casual or, if you want, you can feel free to dress up. We are more interested in your relationship with God than what you look like when you come to church

What happens when I arrive?
Things are pretty casual at Prairie. Come on in, take a seat. You’ll be welcomed by a greeter or the pastor. The worship service starts at 10:00am and usually goes until about 11:00am.